Melania Maycie & Mishayla Marian


Warning: Wordy post only - no pictures.

An update without pictures this time as I can't seem to find my "connect the camera to the computer" cord. Mishayla had her 6 month appointment yesterday - a few weeks late. She's 18.13 lb. and 28 and 3/4 in. tall; the 70th percentile and 99 percentile respectively. Still on track to be a basketball and volleyball player. She was a good sport about her shots, and she did a great job showing off her sitting skills for the doctor. Mishayla can hardly wait to crawl. So far, she gets up on her hands and knees, then faceplants into the carpet. This does not go over so well... Melania is a busy girl. She's learning to keep her pull up dry at night and during naps. Happily, she is having some success in this area! She is a happy girl, always singing. Melania has entered the phase where she feels it is OK for her to tell adults (primarily Mommy and June) what to do. This morning as I was leaving for work, she says, "Be a good girl, Mommy. Stay dry. No wets!" I did my best to comply. We are planning a trip to MT during the final week of June. I will attend Manhattan convention with most of my family. The plan is to also pull a UHaul trailer and at least get started on the moving of stuff. It should inspire me to further condense my belongings. The house continues to be slow to sell in the current market. I feel pretty confident that it will sell, but I am no longer sure that I will break even. Bummer, but what can you do? The weather here has just been miserable. The news is referring to it as June-uary. Wretched rain everyday. I saw a joke today for the perfect sunscreen - just move to Seattle. It seems to be working for me. Also, a good way to become Vit. D deficient. OK, if I'm talking about the weather, I'd better wrap this up. Comments welcome, but I'm not expecting any given the fact that there are no pictures, and I am a major lurker who fails to comment most of the time myself. (Wednesday admission secondary to guilty conscience!)


Sew Fab Martha said...

I'm sure glad that I escaped some of this 'Siberian winter in June' weather we are having!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Good luck with your trip. Moving is a pain, but worth it in the end. ;-)

Shirley said...

Your words painted the pictures this time! Your girls are growing up so fast (sigh)!

Wow, the sun actually came out today! -S.

NadineB said...

Out of the mouth of babes... "be good mommy, etc...". That made me laugh! Little kids are so innocent and cute! Have a great convention!

The J's said...

Just stopping by & will say hi and good luck on the selling/moving both! Have a wonderful convention, ours is over now.

Unknown said...

ahhhhhhhh, your girls are beautiful! we will miss you even more than we do now when you move..i do think of you was really nice talking to you on the phone this morning.

Anonymous said...

Wanda, I love the comment. The other day our boy looked at me and said "Mommy take a 20 minute shower. You're stinky." I loved the time frame put on it :-)
Tara (mtg PT south of you :-))

Mochas, Mountains and Moby Wraps said...

Sounds like Mishayla and Toriana locomote similarly - we call it the bulldozer - have to make sure she doesn't get a forehead rug burn as she toodles around...! Nice to have time to blog hop for life updates this afternoon. Cheers! JZ

Lane and Sylvia said...

Love the 'stay dry, no wets' anecdote. Going to start using that one here at home.

Melania at the Piano - 11 months

Melania at the Piano - 11 months
"Not flesh of my flesh, nor bone of my bone, but still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute, you didn't grow under my heart, but in it." - Unknown

The Gift of Life

The Gift of Life
"I didn't give you the gift of life,
But in my heart I know.
The love I feel is deep and real,
As if it had been so.
For us to have each other
Is like a dream come true!
No, I didn't give you The gift of life,
Life gave me the gift of you."