Melania Maycie & Mishayla Marian


Another not-so-exciting update

My dad loaned me his computer and internet connection device for the evening, so I can play at home. It's so nice. I can't believe how much I miss being able to blog from my favorite brown chair. Of course, I probably get more done around the house when I don't have internet access. I was just thinking today that it has been almost 2 years since I met Caroline. Mishayla is nearly the same age now as Melania was then. I look at Melania now, and it hardly seems possible. She's such a big girl now; most of the time! It's also been a year since Caroline went to live with another family. I found out in January that she moved again. I spoke with her mom when I was in WA , and it seems like her new home is a good fit. We still love you and miss you, Caroline! I hope you are a happy girl, and I think of you often. It's also hard to believe that we've been living in MT for over half of a year already. I'm so glad to be here and for what it has meant to be closer to family. That's not to say we don't miss Wendy and Blaine and everyone else who was like family in WA. I thought I'd be more settled in by now, have more house projects complete, and be all ready to start working in the yard... It hasn't quite worked out that way. My business is growing each week. I have enough patients to stop doing home health, although I will continue in a limited capacity. It's so nice not having to drive so much everyday. I have plenty of paperwork to keep me busy, and the learning curve on billing insurance is steeper than I expected. No complaints, though, because I am so happy to be able to do physical therapy in my own little office. Tomorrow is the home show which will feature my bro-in-law who has an exhibit to promote the sod farm, so I'd best sign off and go to bed.


BuZy Family said...

Hi Wanda!! Your girls are so cute!! I love to look at your blog. Nice when you can update. We have a blog now. It's Come visit us sometime. Love Sandra

kae said...

Don't worry, internet is over-rated. I'd definitely get a lot more done around the house if I wasn't online at night, not that you can tell since I haven't posted in days. I loved all the pictures, nice to see your family. I had to laugh at some of the captions on Mishayla's photos. Up, sit for a second, down....repeat all day. That's Lily too, must be a second child thing :)

Melania at the Piano - 11 months

Melania at the Piano - 11 months
"Not flesh of my flesh, nor bone of my bone, but still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute, you didn't grow under my heart, but in it." - Unknown

The Gift of Life

The Gift of Life
"I didn't give you the gift of life,
But in my heart I know.
The love I feel is deep and real,
As if it had been so.
For us to have each other
Is like a dream come true!
No, I didn't give you The gift of life,
Life gave me the gift of you."