Melania Maycie & Mishayla Marian


Babies playing babies.
From the dress up box of old dance costumes. Stunning, don't you think?
My sparkler.
With attitude.
African Princess
One of my patients gave me a box of outgrown dance costumes. Could 2 girls be any happier?
Thanks you! This was a great idea.
Happy Birthday, Grandma! That's one fine lookin' rooster!
Someone's a little bit tired and grumpy! Kaitlyn's usually speeding around to fast to get a picture.
Spring dresses. I was so proud to have remembered white sandals and tights to go with their new dresses! First time for everything...
I don't know why it is so difficult to get a picture of both girls actually looking at the camera!
Pretty girl.
Easter Egg hunt at Hugh and Carmen's with all the neighborhood kids
Fun times!
"Take my picture with this one, Mommy!"
Mishayla scores an egg.
The Easter Bunny...
Playdate with a couple sweet boys!
Hiding in the corner.
Melania and Lars playing "doctor." Yes, they were supervised!
Melania had just been to Urgent Care, and she loved the entire experience...
Lars might be a natural!
Mishayla is a silly girl! If it involves climbing, she's in!
One night, Mishayla was put in her bed and Melania was in her bed.
An hour or so later, this is what I found. It was to sweet not to take a picture.
Last bath in the old laundry room sink. Finally, new cabinets and a new sink arrangement to make the laundry room more functional. Still no bathtub, but this will work for a little while longer! Melania is dark chocolate and Mishayla is caramel. Mommy is vanilla. Melania wanted to know if she was going to be vanilla when she became an adult. We had a little talk about that, and she's fine with being dark chocolate as long as she can be a real princess and marry a prince...
My niece, Kadyn, is losing her teeth. The girls are quite impressed!
Silly girl - cracks herself up on a regular basis!
This is usually a process. Twists, braids, etc. A new "do" takes 45 minutes to an hour, but it will last up to 2 weeks! The texture of the girls' hair is so different. They both have a lot of curls, though.
Happy Father's Day! Melania and Mishayla celebrated with their "Papa." We are tired of rain and ready for summer. The girls would like to be outside riding their bikes.


Sew Fab Martha said...

Oh my goodness!!! Look at those adorable bean sprouts!!! OXO

Kenneth Pinney said...

Pretty - all dressed up. :)

ducknme said...

AWWWWWWW! They are so adorable!

Della S said...

It has been a while since I have visited "My M&M's." It would be nice to see them in real life. But I think I'll have to wait awhile longer.

Anonymous said...

I was excited to see some new pictures. They are so precious. I sure missed being at Manhattan and seeing you guys. hope you are having a good summer. love, amy in KS

Della S said...

Nice to catch up on your blog as I sit here in the chemo chair.

Melania at the Piano - 11 months

Melania at the Piano - 11 months
"Not flesh of my flesh, nor bone of my bone, but still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute, you didn't grow under my heart, but in it." - Unknown

The Gift of Life

The Gift of Life
"I didn't give you the gift of life,
But in my heart I know.
The love I feel is deep and real,
As if it had been so.
For us to have each other
Is like a dream come true!
No, I didn't give you The gift of life,
Life gave me the gift of you."