Melania Maycie & Mishayla Marian


Summer (Part 1) 2010...and, just where did it go so fast?

For Sale - Need a 4WD Trailblazer? I needed more passenger space and found a good deal on a suburban. It's doesn't quite get the gas mileage, but then I sort of knew that! Happy Father's Day, Dad/Papa!
The girls were not about to cooperate for a picture.
" "I'm going to get you!"
Father's Day - Uncle Hugh with his kids. Honestly, Father's Day is just a strange holiday for my girls! We make the best of it.
Picture from the "old" farm with the "new" place in the distance. I took a trip to northern MT (Rudyard) for it's 100 year celebration. My family moved from the "new" place in 1986. My dad's parents lived here most of their lives. I remembered these roses, and wanted to "visit them. Nex time, I would like to transplant some at my home.
My dad is in the lower right picture. I only went to school here through the 7th grade.
My Aunt Luella. The Drinking Fountain at Devon Convention...
Not to be missed!
Funny thing, but I remember climbing on the fountain and drinking from when I was a little girl.
Not about to smile fo a group picture.
Melania and Lisa reading a bedtime story.
Typical of group picture of the girls this summer.
Here we are at Manhattan convention.
Mishayla - cooperative as usual.
Mom and Grandma
(Melania is standing beside me as I post and says, "There's our grandma's," and, she's right!)
Melania and Great Grandma
Melania and her bff, Nichole.
Mishayla at the carousel. We met Janelle and her daughter Hannah for the evening when they were visiting from OR. I didn't do so well getting pictures...
Swimming lessons 2010. Melania is ready for Level 1; Mishayla will continue to work on her listening skills. Her swimming skills are just fine!
At the lake.
Quilt show
*I have friends, or at least I think they would be friends of mine, if I were to meet them in person, whose blogs I follow. They are able to write posts that are hilarious, emotional and filled with feeling. Usually, I can relate to those feelings completely! I just wonder how they do it when I struggle just to keep up with pictures? So, thanks to you really amazing bloggers who write all the things I'd like to write and help me to remember the feelings that are captured in the pictures.


kae said...

Thanks for the pictures...I like seeing your family! I've been a bad blogger this summer but I'm hoping to remedy that soon.

Jeff, Rebekah, Chloe, and Wyatt said...

Amen to that!

Melania at the Piano - 11 months

Melania at the Piano - 11 months
"Not flesh of my flesh, nor bone of my bone, but still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute, you didn't grow under my heart, but in it." - Unknown

The Gift of Life

The Gift of Life
"I didn't give you the gift of life,
But in my heart I know.
The love I feel is deep and real,
As if it had been so.
For us to have each other
Is like a dream come true!
No, I didn't give you The gift of life,
Life gave me the gift of you."